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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Corrections Today 1st Edition by Siegel. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Corrections Today
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Siegel, Bartollas
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning
Table of content
1.The Corrections System.
2.From Vengeance to Reform: Historical Perspective.
3. Sentencing and the Correctional Process.
4.Community Corrections: Diversion and Probation.
5.Intermediate Sanctions.
6.The Jail: Detention and Short-Term Confinement.
7.Correctional Institutions.
8.The Prison Experience Males.
9.Women in Prison.
10.Prisoners? Rights.
11.Correctional Programs and Services.
12.Parole and Release to the Community
13.Special Prison Populations.
14.The Death Penalty and the Death Penalty Inmate.
15.The Juvenile Offender.
16.The Future Landscape of Corrections.