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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Corrections The Fundamentals 1st Edition by Burk Foster. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Corrections The Fundamentals
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Burk Foster

Table of content

1. Early Punishments.
2. The Penitentiary and the 1800s.
3. Twentieth-Century Corrections Systems.
4. Ideologies and Sentencing.
5. Jails.
6. State and Federal Prisons.
7. Management and Custody.
8. Corrections Policies and Issues.
9. Male and Female Prisoners.
10. Prison Life.
11. Special Needs Prisoners.
12. Prisoners’ Rights.
13. Rehabilitation.
14. Parole and Release from Prison.
15. Probation and Community Corrections.
16. Contrasting Philosophies: American and International Corrections Today.

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