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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Consumer Behavior 10th Edition by Blackwell. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Consumer Behavior
EDITION: 10th Edition
AUTHOR: Blackwell, Miniard, Engel
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Consumer Behavior and Consumer Research.
2. Creating Marketing Strategies for Customer-Centric Organizations.
3. The Consumer Decision Process.
4. Pre-Purchase Processes: Need Recognition, Search and Pre-Purchase Evaluation.
5. Purchase.
6. Post-Purchase Processes: Consumption and Post-Consumption Evaluations.
7. Demographics, Psychographics and Personality.
8. Consumer Motivation.
9. Consumer Knowledge.
10. Consumer Beliefs, Feeling , Attitudes and Intentions.
11. Culture, Ethnicity and Social Class.
12. Family and Household Influences.
13. Group and Personal Influence.
14. Making Contact.
15. Shaping Consumers’ Opinions.
16. Helping Consumers to Remember.

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