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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Chemistry Principles and Reactions 7th Edition by Masterton. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Chemistry Principles and Reactions
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Masterton, Hurley, Neth
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Matter and Measurements.
2. Atoms, Molecules, and Ions.
3. Mass Relations in Chemistry; Stoichiometry.
4. Reactions in Aqueous Solution.
5. Gases.
6. Electronic Structure and the Periodic Table.
7. Covalent Bonding.
8. Thermochemistry.
9. Liquids and Solids.
10. Solutions.
11. Rate of Reaction.
12. Gaseous Chemical Equilibrium.
13. Acids and Bases.
14. Equilibria in Acid-Base Solutions.
15. Complex ion and Precipitation Equilibria
16. Spontaneity of Reaction
17. Electrochemistry.
18. Nuclear Reactions.
19. Complex Ions and Coordination compounds
20. Chemistry of the Metals.
21. Chemistry of the Nonmetals.
22. Organic Chemistry.
23. Organic Polymers, Natural and Synthetic.

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