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Complete downloadable Test Bank for C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures 5th Edition by Malik. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: C++ Programming Program Design Including Data Structures
EDITION: 5th Edition
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning
Table of content
1. An Overview of Computers and Programming Languages.
2. Basic Elements of C++.
3. Input/Output.
4. Control Structures I (Selection).
5. Control Structures II (Repetition).
6. User-Defined Function I.
7. User-Defined Functions II.
8. User-Defined Simple Data Types, Namespaces, and the string Type.
9. Arrays and Strings.
10. Records (structs).
11. Classes and Data Abstraction.
12. Inheritance and Composition.
13. Pointers, Classes, Virtual Functions, Abstract Classes, and Lists.
14. Overloading and Templates.
15. Exception Handling.
16. Recursion.
17. Linked Lists.
18. Stacks and Queues.
19. Searching and Sorting Algorithms.
20. Binary Trees.
21. Graphs.
22. Standard Template Library. Appendices.