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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Business Statistics A Decision Making Approach 7th Edition by Groebner. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Business Statistics A Decision Making Approach
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Groebner, Shannon, Fry, Smith

Table of content

Chapter 1: The Where, Why and How of Data Collection
Chapter 2: Graphs, Charts, and Tables — Describing Your Data
Chapter 3: Describing Data Using Numerical Measures
Chapter 4: Introduction to Probability
Chapter 5: Introduction to Discrete Probability Distributions
Chapter 6: Introduction to Continuous Probability Distributions
Chapter 7: Introduction to Sampling Distributions
Chapter 8: Estimating Single Population Parameters
Chapter 9: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 10: Estimation and Hypothesis Testing for Two Population Parameters
Chapter 11: Hypothesis Tests for One and Two Population Variances
Chapter 12: Analysis of Variance
Chapter 13: Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Contingency Analysis
Chapter 14: Introduction to Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis
Chapter 15: Multiple Regression and Model Building
Chapter 16: Analyzing and Forecasting Time-Series Data
Chapter 17: Introduction to Nonparametric Statistics
Chapter 18: Introduction to Quality and Statistical Process Control
Chapter 19: Introduction to Decision Analysis

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