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TITLE: Business Law and the Legal Environment Standard Edition
EDITION: 5th Edition
AUTHOR: Beatty, Samuelson
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Introduction to Law.
2. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility.
3. Dispute Resolution.
4. Common Law, Statutory Law, and Administrative Law.
5. Constitutional Law.
6. Intentional Torts and Business Torts.
7. Negligence and Strict Liability.
8. Crime.
9. International Law.
10. Introduction to Contracts.
11. Agreement.
12. Consideration.
13. Legality.
14. Capacity and Consent.
15. Written Contracts.
16. Third Parties.
17. Performance and Discharge.
18. Remedies.
19. Introduction to Sales.
20. Ownership and Risk.
21. Warranties and Product Liability.
22. Performance and Remedies.
23. Creating a Negotiable Instrument.
24. Liability for Negotiable Instruments.
25. Liability for Negotiable Instruments: Banks and Their Customers.
26. Secured Transactions.
27. Bankruptcy.
28. Agency: The Inside Relationship.
29. Agency: The Outside Relationship.
30. Employment Law.
31. Labor Law.
32. Starting a Business: LLCs and Other Options.
33. Partnerships.
34. Life and Death of a Corporation.
35. Corporate Management.
36. Shareholders.
37. Securities Regulation.
38. Accountants: Liability and Professional Responsibility.
39. Antitrust.
40. Consumer Law.
41. Environmental Law.
42. Cyberlaw.
43. Intellectual Property.
44. Real Property.
45. Landlord-Tenant.
46. Personal Property and Bailment.
47. Planning for the Future: Estates and Insurance. Appendices

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