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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Beginning & Intermediate Algebra 4th Edition by Martin-Gay. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Beginning & Intermediate Algebra
EDITION: 4th Edition
AUTHOR: Martin-Gay

Table of content

1. Review of Real Numbers
2. Equations and Problem Solving
3. Graphing
4. Systems of Linear Equations
5. Exponents and Polynomials
6. Factoring Polynomials
7. Rational Expressions
8. More on Functions and Graphs
9. Inequalities and Absolute Value
10. Rational Exponents, Radicals, and Complex Numbers
11. Quadratic Equations and Functions
12. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
13. Conic Sections
14. Sequences, Series, and the Binomial Theorem Appendices

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