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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Basic Marketing Research 6th Edition by Churchill. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Basic Marketing Research
EDITION: 6th Edition
AUTHOR: Churchill, Brown
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Role of Marketing Research.
2. Gathering Marketing Intelligence: The Systems Approach.
3. Gathering Marketing Intelligence: The Project Approach.
4. Problem Formation.
5. Types of Research Design and Exploratory Research.
6. Descriptive and Causal Research Designs.
7. Secondary Data.
8. Standardized Marketing Information Services.
9. Collecting Primary Data.
10. Collecting Information by Communication.
11. Collecting Information by Observation.
12. Designing the Questionnaire or Observation Form.
13. Measurement Basics.
14. Measuring Attitudes, Perceptions, and Preferences.
15. Sampling Basics and Methods.
16. Sample Size.
17. Collecting the Data: Nonsampling Errors and Response Rate Calculation.
18. Data Analysis: Preliminary Steps.
19. Data Analysis: Analyzing Individual Variables and Basics of Hypothesis Testing.
20. Data Analysis: Analyzing Multiple Variables Simultaneously.
21. The Written Research Report
22. The Oral Research Report.

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