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Complete downloadable Test Bank for An Introduction to Policing 7th Edition by Dempsey. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: An Introduction to Policing
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Dempsey, Forst
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Police History.
2. Organizing Public Security in the United States.
3. Organizing the Police Department.
4. Becoming a Police Officer.
5. The Police Role and Police Discretion.
6. Police Culture, Personality, and Police Stress.
7. Minorities in Policing.
8. Police Ethics and Police Deviance.
9. Patrol Operations.
10. Investigations.
11. Police and the Public.
12.Police and Their Clients.
13. Police and the Law.
14. Computers, Technology, and Criminalistics in Policing.
15. Homeland Security.

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