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Complete downloadable Test Bank for An Introduction to Drugs and the Neuroscience of Behavior 1st Edition by Adam Prus. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: An Introduction to Drugs and the Neuroscience of Behavior
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Adam Prus
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Introduction to Psychopharmacology.
2. Nervous System. 3. Neurotransmission.
4. Properties of Drugs.
5. Drugs of Abuse.
6. Psychostimulants.
7. Nicotine and caffeine.
8. Alcohol.
9. GHB and inhalants.
10. Opioids.
11. Cannabinoids.
12. Psychedelic drugs.
13. Treatments for depression and bipolar Disorder.
14. Treatments for anxiety disorders.
15. Antipsychotic drugs.

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