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Complete downloadable Test Bank for American Government Roots and Reform Texas Edition 6th Edition by OConnor. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: American Government Roots and Reform Texas Edition
EDITION: 6th Edition
AUTHOR: OConnor, Sabato, Yanus, Gibson, Robison
Table of content
1. The Political Landscape
2. The Constitution
3. Federalism
4. State and Local Government
5. Civil Liberties
6. Civil Rights
7. Congress
8. The Presidency
9. The Executive Branch and the Federal Bureaucracy
10. The Judiciary
11. Public Opinion and Political Socialization
12. Political Parties
13. Elections and Voting
14. The Campaign Process
15. The News Media
16. Interest Groups
17. Domestic Policy
18. Economic Policy
19. Foreign and Defense Policy
20. The Context for Texas Politics and Government
21. The Texas Constitution
22. Local Government and Politics in Texas
23. The Texas Legislature
24. The Governor and Bureaucracy in Texas
25. The Texas Judiciary
26. Political Parties, Interest Groups, Elections, and Campaigns in Texas
27. Contemporary Public Policy Issues in Texas Appendices.