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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Adobe Photoshop CS5 Revealed 1st Edition by Elizabeth Eisner Reding. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Revealed
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Elizabeth Eisner Reding
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Getting Started with Adobe Photoshop CS5.
2. Working with Photoshop.
3. Working with Layers.
4. Making Selections.
5. Incorporating Color Techniques.
6. Placing Type in an Image.
7. Using Painting Tools.
8. Working with Special Layer Functions.
9. Creating Special Effects with Filters.
10. Enhancing Specific Selections.
11. Adjusting Colors.
12. Using Clipping Masks, Paths, and Shapes.
13. Transforming Type.
14. Liquifying an Image.
15. Performing Image Surgery.
16. Annotating and Automating an Image.
17. Creating Images for the Web.
18. Working with Animation, Video, and Photography.

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