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Complete downloadable Test Bank for A Framework for Human Resource Management 7th Edition by Gary Dessler. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: A Framework for Human Resource Management
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Gary Dessler
Table of content
Chapter 1:Managing Strategic Human Resources Today.
Chapter 2: Managing Equal Opportunity and Diversity.
Chapter 3: Personnel Planning, Recruiting, and Talent Management.
Chapter 4: Testing and Selecting Employees.
Chapter 5: Training and Developing Employees.
Chapter 6: Performance Management, Appraisals, and Careers.
Chapter 7: Compensating Employees.
Chapter 8: Managing Employee Ethics, Engagement, Retention, and Fair Treatment.
Chapter 9:Managing Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining.
Chapter 10:Protecting Safety and Health. Appendices.