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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Western Civilization Beyond Boundaries 6th Edition by Noble. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Western Civilization Beyond Boundaries
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 6th Edition
AUTHOR: Noble, Strauss, Osheim, Neuschel, Accampo, Roberts, Cohen
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. The Ancestors of the West.
2. The Ship, the Sword, and the Book: Western Asia, ca. 1500-400 B.C.
3. The Greeks in the Polis to ca. 350 B.C.
4. Alexander the Great and the Spread of Greek Civilization, ca. 350-30 B.C.
5. Rome, from Republic to Empire.
6. Imperial Rome, 31 B.C.-A.D. 284.
7. The World of Late Antiquity, 284-ca.600.
8. Early Medieval Civilizations, 600-900.
9. The Expansion of Europe in the High Middle Ages, 900-1300.
10. Medieval Civilization at Its Height, 900-1300.
11. Crisis and Recovery in Late Medieval Europe, 1300-1500.
12. The Renaissance.
13. European Overseas Expansion to 1600.
14. The Age of the Reformation.
15. Europe in the Age of Religious Wars, 1560-1648.
16. Europe in the Age of Louis XIV, ca. 1640-1715.
17. A Revolution in World-View.
18. Europe on the Threshold of Modernity, ca. 1715-1789.
19. An Age of Revolution 1789-1815.
20. The Industrial Transformation of Europe, 1750-1850.
21. Restoration, Reform, and Revolution, 1814-1848.
22. Nationalism and Political Reform, 1850-1880. 23. The Age of Optimism, 1850-1880.
24. Imperialism and Escalating Tensions, 1880-1914.
25. War and Revolution, 1914-1919. 26.

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