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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for The Musicians Guide to Theory and Analysis 1st Edition by Clendinning. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: The Musicians Guide to Theory and Analysis
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Clendinning, Marvin
Table of content
1 Pitch and Pitch Class
2 Beat, Meter, and Rhythm: Simple Meters
3 Pitch Collections, Scales, and Major Keys
4 Minor Keys and the Diatonic Modes
5 Beat, Meter, and Rhythm: Compound Meters
6 Pitch Intervals
7 Triads and Seventh Chords
8 Intervals in Action (Two-Voice Composition)
9 Melodic and Rhythmic Embellishment in Two-Voice Composition
10 Notation and Scoring
11 Voicing Chords in Multiple Parts: Instrumentation
12 The Basic Phrase Model: Tonic and Dominant Voice-Leading
13 Embellishing Tones
14 Chorale Harmonization and Figured Bass
15 Expanding the Basic Phrase: Leading-Tone, Predominant, and 6/4 Chords
16 Further Expansions of the Basic Phrase: Tonic Expansions, Root Progressions, and the Mediant Triad
17 The Interaction of Melody and Harmony: More on Cadence, Phrase, and Melody
18 Diatonic Sequences
19 Intensifying the Dominant: Secondary Dominants and Secondary Leading-Tone Chords; New Voice-Leading Chords
20 Phrase Rhythm and Motivic Analysis
21 Tonicizing Scale Degrees Other Than V
22 Modulation to Closely Related Keys
23 Binary and Ternary Forms
24 Color and Drama in Composition: Modal Mixture and Chromatic Mediants and Submediants
25 Chromatic Approaches to V: The Neapolitan Sixth and Augmented Sixths
26 Popular Song and Art Song
27 Variation and Rondo
28 Sonata-Form Movements
29 Chromaticism
30 Modes, Scales, and Sets
31 Music Analysis with Sets
32 Sets and Set Classes
33 Ordered Segments and Serialism
34 Twelve-Tone Rows and the Row Matrix
35 New Ways to Organize Rhythm, Meter, and Duration
36 New Ways to Articulate Musical Form
37 The Composer’s Materials Today