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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Simply Java Programming An Application-Driven Tutorial Approach 1st Edition by Deitel. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Simply Java Programming An Application-Driven Tutorial Approach
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Deitel, Deitel

Table of content

1. Moving Shapes Application: Introducing Computers, the Internet and Java Programming.
2. Welcome Application: Introduction to Graphical User Interface Programming.
3. Designing the Inventory Application: Introducing JTextFields and JButtons.
4. Completing the Inventory Application: Introducing Programming.
5. Enhancing the Inventory Application: Introducing Variables, Memory Concepts and Arithmetic.
6. Wage Calculator Application: Introducing Algorithms, Pseudocode and Program Control.
7. Dental Payment Application: Introducing JCheckBoxes and Message Dialogs.
8. Car Payment Calculation Application: Introducing the while Repetition Statement.
9. Class Average Application: Introducing the do…while Reptition Statement.
10. Interest Calculator Application: Introducing the for Repetition Statement.
11. Security Panel Application: Introducing the switch Multiple-Selection Statement.
12. Enhancing the Wage Calculator Application: Introducing Methods.
13. Enhancing the Interest Calculator Application: Introduction to Event-Handling.
14. Fund Raiser Application: Introducing Scope and Conversions of Primitive Types.
15. Craps Game Application: Introducing Random-Number Generation.
16. Flag Quiz Application: Introducing One-Dimensional Arrays and JComboBoxes.
17. Student Grades Application: Introducing Two-Dimensional Arrays and JRadioButtons.
18. Microwave Oven Application: Building Your Own Classes and Objects.
19. Shipping Hub Application: Introducing ArrayList, Iterators and Mnemonics.
20. Screen Saver Application: Introducing Graphics and Inheritance.
21. “Cat and Mouse” Painter Application: Introducing Interfaces, Mouse Input and a Discussion of Event-Handling.
22. Typing Application: Introducing Keyboard Input and JMenus.
23. Screen Scraping Application: Introducing String Processing.
24. Enhanced Car Payment Calculator Application: Introducing Exception Handling.
25. Ticket Information Application: Introducing Sequential-Access Files.
26. ATM Application: Introducing Database Programming.
27. Drawing Shapes Application: Introduction to Polymorphism and Expanded Discussion of Graphics.
28. Phone Book Application: Introducing Speech Synthesis and javax.speech.
29. Bookstore Application: Web Applications: Introducing Tomcat Server.
30. Bookstore Application: Client Tier: Introducing HTML.
31. Bookstore Application: Information Tier: Examining the Database with CloudView.
32. Bookstore Application: Middle Tier: Introducing Java Server Pages. Appendices

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