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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel 11th Edition by Monk. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 11th Edition
AUTHOR: Monk, Brady, Cook
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

Case 1: Preliminary Case; The Personal Training Database.
Case 2: Rent-a-Dress Database.
Case 3: The Import Food Market Database.
Case 4: The Music Festival Database.
Case 5: City Bike Rental Database.
Case 6: New England Energy Investment Strategy Decision.
Case 7: The City Hotel Recovery Analysis.
Case 8: Duchess Cruises Ship Assignment Problem.
Case 9: Ed and Carla’s Retirement Plan.
Case 10: The University Arena Construction Decision.
Case 11: The College GPA Analysis.
Case 12: The Nonprofit Donor Analysis.

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