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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Principles of Corporate Finance 10th Edition by Brealey. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Principles of Corporate Finance
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 10th Edition
AUTHOR: Brealey, Myers, Allen
PUBLISHER: McGraw Hill Higher Education

Table of content

Ch. 1: Finance and the financial manager
Ch. 2: Present values, the objectives of the firm, and corporate governance
Ch. 3: How to calculate present values
Ch. 4: The value of bonds and common stocks
Ch. 5: Why net present value leads to better investment decisions than other criteria
Ch. 6: Making investment decisions with the net present value rule
Ch. 7: Introduction to risk, return, and the opportunity cost of capital
Ch. 8: Risk and return
Ch. 9: Capital budgeting and risk
Ch. 10: A project is not a black box
Ch. 11: trategy and the capital investment decision
Ch. 12: Agency problems, management compensation, and the measurement of performance
Ch. 13: Corporate financing and the six lessons of market efficiency
Ch. 14: An overview of corporate financing
Ch. 15: How corporations issue securities
Ch. 16: Payout policy
Ch. 17: Does debt policy matter?
Ch. 18: How much should a firm borrow?
Ch. 19: Financing and valuation
Ch. 20: Understanding options
Ch. 21: Valuing options
Ch. 22: Real options
Ch. 23: Valuing government bonds
Ch. 24: Credit risk
Ch. 25: The many different kinds of debt
Ch. 26: Leasing
Ch. 27: Managing risk
Ch. 28: Managing international risks
Ch. 29: Financial analysis and planning
Ch. 30: Working capital management
Ch. 31: Short-term financial planning
Ch. 32: Mergers
Ch. 33: Corporate restructuring
Ch. 34: Governance and corporate control around the world
Ch. 35: Conclusion : what we do and do not know about finance

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