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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra 3rd Edition by Bittinger. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 3rd Edition
AUTHOR: Bittinger, Ellenbogen, Beecher, Johnson

Table of content

1. Whole Numbers
2. Introduction to Integers and Algebraic Expressions
3. Fraction Notation: Multiplication and Division
4. Fraction Notation: Addition, Subtraction, and Mixed Numerals
5. Decimal Notation
6. Percent Notation
7. Data, Graphs, and Statistics
8. Geometry
9. Introduction to Real Numbers and Algebraic Expressions
10. Solving Equations and Inequalities
11. Graphs of Linear Equations
12. Polynomials: Operations
13. Polynomials: Factoring
14. Rational Expressions and Equations
15. Systems of Equations
16. Radical Expressions and Equations
17. Quadratic Equations Appendices

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