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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Market-Based Management 6th Edition by Roger Best. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Market-Based Management
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 6th Edition
AUTHOR: Roger Best
Table of content
Chapter 1: Customer Focus, Customer Performance and Profit Impact
Chapter 2: Marketing Metrics and Marketing Profitability
Chapter 3: Market Potential, Market Demand, and Market Share
Chapter 4: The Customer Experience and Value Creation
Chapter 5: Market Segmentation and Segmentation Strategies
Chapter 6: Competitive Position and Sources of Advantage
Chapter 7: Product Positioning, Branding, and Product Line Strategies
Chapter 8: Value-Based Pricing and Pricing Strategies
Chapter 9: Marketing Channels and Channel Mapping
Chapter 10: Marketing Communications, Social Media, and Customer RESPONSE
Chapter 11: Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Market Planning
Chapter 12: Strategic Offensive Strategies
Chapter 13: Strategic Defensive Strategies
Chapter 14: Building a Marketing Plan
Chapter 15: Marketing Metrics, Performance, and Strategy Implementation
Chapter 16: Market-Based Management and Financial Performance