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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Management Accounting for Decision Makers 6e with MyAccountingLab access card 6th Edition by Atrill. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Management Accounting for Decision Makers 6e with MyAccountingLab access card
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 6th Edition
AUTHOR: Atrill, McLaney

Table of content

1. Introduction to management accounting
2. Relevant costs for decision making
3. Cost-volume-profit analysis
4. Full costing
5. Costing and pricing in a competitive environment
6. Budgeting
7. Accounting for control
8. Making capital investment decisions
9. Managing working capital
10. Measuring and controlling divisional performance
11. Strategic Management Accounting Appendix A: Glossary of key terms
Appendix B: Solutions to self-assessment questions
Appendix C: Solutions to selected exercises
Appendix D: Present value table

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