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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Legal Research Analysis and Writing 3rd Edition by Hames. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Legal Research Analysis and Writing
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 3rd Edition
AUTHOR: Hames, Ekern

Table of content

1. Introduction to Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis
2. The Starting Point: Analyzing Facts and Identifying Legal Issues
3. Finding and Analyzing Case Law
4. How to Brief a Case
5. Constitutions, Statutes, and Administrative Regulations
6. Statutory and Constitutional Analysis
7. Secondary Sources
8. Digests
9. Validating Your Research: Using Shepard’s, Keycite, and other citators
10. Computer Assisted Legal Research (CALR)
11. Basic Legal Writing Tools
12. Predictive Legal Writing: The Memorandum of Law
13. Persuasive Writing: Writing to the Court
14. Legal Correspondence All Appendices

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