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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Laboratory Manual for General Organic and Biological Chemistry 1st Edition by Timberlake. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Laboratory Manual for General Organic and Biological Chemistry
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Timberlake
Table of content
1 Measurement and Significant Figures
2 Conversion Factors in Calculations
3 Density and Specific Gravity
4 Atomic Structure
5 Electronic Configuration and Periodic Properties
6 Nuclear Radiation
7Compounds and Their Formulas
9 Energy and States of Matter
10 Chemical Reactions and Equations
11 Reaction Rates and Equilibrium
12 Moles and Chemical Formulas
13 Gas Laws
14 Partial Pressures of Gas Mixtures
15 Solutions, Electrolytes, and Concentration
16 Soluble and Insoluble Salts
17Testing for Cations and Anions
18 Solutions, Colloids, and Suspensions
19 Acids, Bases, pH and Buffers
20 Acid-Base Titration
21 Properties of Organic Compounds
22 Structures of Alkanes
23 Reactions of Hydrocarbons
24 Alcohols and Phenols
25 Aldehydes and Ketones
26 Types of Carbohydrates
27 Tests for Carbohydrates
28 Carboxylic Acids and Esters
29 Aspirin and Other Analgesics
30 Lipids
31 Glycerophospholipids and Steroids
32 Saponification and Soaps
33 Amines and Amides
34 Synthesis of Acetaminophen
35 Plastics and Polymerization
36 Amino Acids
37Peptides and Proteins
38 Enzymes
39 Vitamins
40 DNA Components and Extraction
41 Digestion of Foodstuffs
42 Analysis of Urine Appendix