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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Introduction to Horticultural Science 2nd Edition by Arteca. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Introduction to Horticultural Science
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: Arteca
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. The Green Plant, What an Organism.
2. Origin and Domestication of Plants.
3. The Horticulture Industry: An Important Part of Agriculture.
4. Fundamental Steps Leading to Success in a Horticulture Career.
5. The Relationship between Horticulture and the Environment.
6. Classification of Plants and Plant Anatomy.
7. Plant Propagation.
8. Media, Nutrients and Fertilizers.
9. Plants and Environment.
10. Plant Growth Regulators.
11. Post Harvest Physiology.
12. Pest Management.
13. Plant Biotechnology and Genetically Modified Organisms: An Overview.
14. Greenhouse Structures.
15. Growing Crops in the Greenhouse.
16. Producing Nursery Crops.
17. Factors to Consider in Establishing Horticultural Operations.
18. Floral Design.
19. Interiorscaping.
20. Designing Landscapes.
21. Installing Landscapes.
22. Landscape Maintenance.
23. Warm- and Cool Season Turfgrass.
24. Olericulture.
25. Pomology: Fruit and Nut Production.
26. Organic Agriculture.
27. Hydroponics.

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