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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for International Business 7th Edition by Griffin. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: International Business
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Griffin, Pustay

Table of content

1: An Overview of International Business
2: Global Marketplaces and Business Centers
3: Legal, Technological, Accounting, and Political Environments
4: The Role of Culture
5: Ethics and Social Responsibility in International Business
6: International Trade and Investment
7: The International Monetary System and the Balance of Payments
8: Foreign Exchange and International Financial Markets
9: Formulation of National Trade Policies
10: International Cooperation Among Nations
11: International Strategic Management
12: Strategies for Analyzing and Entering Foreign Markets
13: International Strategic Alliances
14: International Organization Design and Control
15: Leadership and Employee Behavior in International Business
16: International Marketing
17: International Operations Management
18: International Financial Management
19: International Human Resource Management and Labor Relations

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