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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Intermediate Financial Management 9th Edition by Brigham. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Intermediate Financial Management
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 9th Edition
AUTHOR: Brigham, Daves
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. An Overview of Financial Management.
2. Risk and Return
3. Risk and Return
4. Bond Valuation.
5. Basic Stock Valuation.
6. Financial Options.
7. Accounting for Financial Management.
8. Analysis of Financial Statements.
9. Financial Planning and Forecasting Financial Statements.
10. Determining the Cost of Capital.
11. Corporate Value and Value-Based Management.
12. Capital Budgeting: Decision Criteria.
13. Capital Budgeting: Estimating Cash Flows and Analyzing Risk.
15. Capital Structure Decisions
16. Capital Structure Decisions
17. Distributions to Shareholders: Dividends and Repurchases.
18. Initial Public Offerings, Investment Banking, and Financial Restructuring.
19. Lease Financing.
20. Hybrid Financing: Preferred Stock, Warrants, and Convertibles
21. Working Capital Management.
22. Providing and Obtaining Credit.
23. Other Topics in Working Capital Management.
24. Derivatives and Risk Management.
25. Bankruptcy, Reorganization, and Liquidation.
26. Mergers, LBOs, Divestitures, and Holding Companies.
27. Multinational Financial Management.
28. Time Value of Money.
29. Basic Financial Tools: A Review.
30. Pension Plan Management.
31. Financial Management in Not-for-Profit Businesses.

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