Solutions Manual for Fundamentals of Logic Design 6th Edition by Roth
Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Fundamentals of Logic Design 6th Edition by Roth. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Fundamentals of Logic Design
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 6th Edition
AUTHOR: Roth, Kinney
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning
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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Fundamentals of Logic Design 6th Edition by Roth. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Fundamentals of Logic Design
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 6th Edition
AUTHOR: Roth, Kinney
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning
Table of content
1. Introduction: Number Systems and Conversion Digital Systems and Switching Circuits / Number Systems and Conversion / Binary Arithmetic / Representation of Negative Numbers / Binary Codes
2. Boolean Algebra Introduction / Basic Operations / Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables / Basic Theorems / Commutative, Associative, and Distributive Laws / Simplification Theorems / Multiplying Out and Factoring / DeMorgan’s Laws
3. Boolean Algebra (Cont) Multiplying Out and Factoring Expressions / Exclusive-OR and Equivalence Operations / The Consensus Theorem / Algebraic Simplification of Switching Expressions / Proving Validity of an Equation
4. Applications of Boolean Algebra: Minterm and Maxterm Expressions Conversion of English Sentences to Boolean Equations / Combinational Logic Design Using a Truth Table / Minterm and Maxterm Expansions / General Minterm and Maxterm Expansions / Incompletely Specified Functions / Examples of Truth Table Construction / Design of Binary Adders
5. Karnaugh Maps Minimum Forms of Switching Functions / Two- and Three-Variable Karnaugh Maps / Four-Variable Karnaugh Maps / Determination of Minimum Expressions Using Essential Prime Implicants / Five-Variable Karnaugh Maps / Other Uses of Karnaugh Maps / Other Forms of Karnaugh Maps
6. Quine-McClusky Method Determination of Prime Implicants / The Prime Implicant Chart / Petrick’s Method / Simplification of Incompletely Specified Functions / Simplification Using Map-Entered Variables / Conclusion
7. Multi-Level Gate Circuits: NAND and NOR Gates Multi-Level Gate Circuits / NAND and NOR Gates / Design of Two-Level Circuits Using NAND and NOR Gates / Design of Multi-Level NAND and NOR Gate Circuits / Circuit Conversion Using Alternative Gate Symbols / Design of Two-Level, Multiple-Output Circuits Determination of Essential Prime Implicants for Multiple-Output Realization / Multiple-Output NAND and NOR Circuits
8. Combinational Circuit Design and Simulation Using Gates Review of Combinational Circuit Design / Design of Circuits with Limited Gate Fan-In / Gate Delays and Timing Diagrams / Hazards in Combinational Logic / Simulation and Testing of Logic Circuits
9. Multiplexers, Decodes, and Programmable Logic Devices Introduction / Multiplexers / Three-State Buffers / Decoders and Encoders / Read-Only Memories / Programmable Logic Devices / Complex Programmable Logic Devices / Field Programmable Gate Arrays
10. Introduction to VHDL VHDL Description of Combinational Circuits / VHDL Models for Multiplexers / VHDL Modules / Signals and Constants / Arrays / VHDL Operators / Packages and Libraries / IEEE Standard Logic / Compilation and Simulation of VHDL Code
11. Latches and Flip-Flops Introduction / Set-Reset Latch / Gated D Latch / Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop / S-R Flip-Flop / J-K Flip-Flop / T Flip-Flop / Flip-Flops with Additional Inputs / Summary
12. Registers and Counters Registers and Register Transfers / Shift Registers / Design of Binary Counters / Counters for Other Sequences / Counter Design Using S-R and J-K Flip-XFlops / Derivation of Flip-Flop Input Equations-Summary
13. Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits A Sequential Parity Checker / Analysis by Signal Tracing and Timing Charts / State Tables and Graphs / General Models for Sequential Circuits
14. Derivation of State Graphs and Tables Design of a Sequence Detector / More Complex Design Problems / Guidelines for Construction of State Graphs / Serial Data Code Conversion / Alphanumeric State Graph Notation
15. Reduction of State Tables State Assignment Elimination of Redundant States / Equivalent States / Determination of State Equivalence Using an Implication Table / Equivalent Sequential Circuits / Incompletely Specified State Tables / Derivation of Flip-Flop Input Equations / Equivalent State Assignments / Guidelines for State Assignment / Using a One-Hot State Assignment
16. Sequential Circuit Design Summary of Design Procedure for Sequential Circuits / Design Example-Code Converter / Design of Iterative Circuits / Design of Sequential Circuits Using ROMs and PLAs / Sequential Circuit Design Using CPLDs / Sequential Circuit Design Using FPGAs / Simulation and Testing of Sequential Circuits / Overview of Computer-Aided Design
17. VHDL for Sequential Logic Modeling Flip-Flops Using VHDL Processes / Modeling Registers and Counters Using VHDL Processes / Modeling Combinational Logic Using VHDL Processes / Modeling a Sequential Machine / Synthesis of VHDL Code / More About Processes and Sequential Statements
18. Circuits for Arithmetic Operations Serial Adder with Accumulator / Design of a Parallel Multiplier /Design of a Binary Divider
19. State Machine Design with SM Charts State Machine Charts / Derivation of SM Charts / Realization of SM Charts
20. VHDL for Digital System Design VHDL Code for a Serial Adder / VHDL Code for a Binary Multiplier / VHDL Code for a Binary Divider / VHDL Code for a Dice Game Simulator / Concluding Remarks APPENDICES MOS and CMOS Logic / VHDL Language Summary /Proofs of Theorems References Answers to Selected Study Guide Questions and Problems Index