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Solutions Manual for Essentials of Federal Taxation 3rd Edition by Spilker
Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Essentials of Federal Taxation 3rd Edition by Spilker. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Essentials of Federal Taxation
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 3rd Edition
AUTHOR: Spilker, Ayers, Barrick, Outslay, Robinson, Weaver, Worsham
PUBLISHER: McGraw Hill Higher Education
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Product Information
Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Essentials of Federal Taxation 3rd Edition by Spilker. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Essentials of Federal Taxation
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 3rd Edition
AUTHOR: Spilker, Ayers, Barrick, Outslay, Robinson, Weaver, Worsham
PUBLISHER: McGraw Hill Higher Education
Table of content
1. An Introduction to Tax
2. Tax Compliance, the IRS, and Tax Authorities
3. Tax Planning Strategies and Related Limitations
4. Individual Income Tax Overview, Exemptions, and Filing Status
5. Gross Income and Exclusions
6. Individual for AGI Deductions
7. Individual from AGI Deductions
8. Individual Income Tax Computation and Tax Credits
9. Business Income, Deductions, and Accounting Methods
10. Property Acquisition and Cost Recovery
11. Property Dispositions
12. Entities Overview
13. Corporate Formations and Operations
14. Corporate Nonliquidating and Liquidating Distributions
15. Forming and Operating Partnerships
16. Dispositions of Partnership Interests and Partnership Distributions
17. S Corporations Appendices