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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Economics of Public Issues 19th Edition by Miller. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Economics of Public Issues
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 19th Edition
AUTHOR: Miller, Benjamin, North

Table of content

1. Death by Bureaucrat
2. Innovation
3. Flying the Friendly Skies?
4. The Mystery of Wealth
5. The Economics of Exclusion
6. For Whom the Roads are Tolled
7. Sex, Booze, and Drugs
8. All Fracked Up
9. Kidneys for Sale
10. Are We Running Out of Water?
11. Bankrupt Landlords, from Sea to Shining Sea
12. Das Kapital in the 21th Century
13. (Why) Are Women Paid Less?
14. The Effects of the Minimum Wage
15. The (Dis)incentives of High Taxes
16. Net Neutrality
17. Contracts, Combinations, and Conspiracies
18. Coffee, Tea, or Tuition-Free?
19. Keeping the Competition Out?
20. Health Insurance for All . . . or Maybe Not
21. The Deception of Green Energy
22. The Fight over Genetically Modified Foods
23. Raising Less Corn and More Hell
24. The Graying of America
25. Save that Species
26. Greenhouse Economics
27. Ethanol Madness
28. The Trashman Cometh
29. The Economics of the Big Mac
30. Globalization and the Wealth of America
31. The $750,000 Steelworker

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