Solutions Manual for Cengage Advantage Books Law for Business 18th Edition by Ashcroft
Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Cengage Advantage Books Law for Business 18th Edition by Ashcroft. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Cengage Advantage Books Law for Business
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 18th Edition
AUTHOR: Ashcroft, Ashcroft
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning
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Product Information
Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Cengage Advantage Books Law for Business 18th Edition by Ashcroft. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Cengage Advantage Books Law for Business
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 18th Edition
AUTHOR: Ashcroft, Ashcroft
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning
Table of content
1. Introduction to Law.
2. Courts and Court Procedures.
3. Business Torts and Crimes.
4. Government Regulation of Business.
5. Nature and Classes of Contracts.
6. Offer and Acceptance.
7. Capacity to Contract.
8. Consideration.
9. Defective Agreements.
10. Illegal Agreements.
11. Written Contracts.
12. Third Parties and Contracts.
13. Termination of Contracts.
14. Nature of Personal Property.
15. Special Bailments.
16. Sales of Personal Property.
17. Formalities of a Sale.
18. Transfer of Title and Risk in Sales Contracts.
19. Warranties, Product Liability, and Consumer Protection.
20. Nature of Negotiable Instruments.
21. Essentials of Negotiability.
22. Promissory Notes and Drafts.
23. Negotiation and Discharge.
24. Liabilities of Parties and Holders in Due Course.
25. Defenses.
26. Nature and Creation of an Agency.
27. Operation and Termination of an Agency
28. Employer and Employee Relations.
29. Employees’ Rights.
30. Labor Legislation.
31. Introduction to Business Organizations.
32. Creation and Operation of a Partnership.
33. Dissolution of a Partnership.
34. Nature of a Corporation.
35. Ownership of a Corporation.
36. Management and Dissolution of a Corporation.
37. Principles of Insurance.
38. Types of Insurance.
39. Security Devices.
40. Bankruptcy.
41. Nature of Real Property.