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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications 4th Edition by Larsen. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 4th Edition
AUTHOR: Larsen, Marx

Table of content

1. Introduction. A Brief History. Some Examples.
2. Probability. Sample Spaces and the Algebra of Sets.
3. Random Variables.
4. Special Distributions.
5. Estimation. Estimating Parameters: The Method of Maximum Likelihood and the Method of Moments.
6. Hypothesis Testing. The Decision Rule.
7. The Normal Distribution.
8. Types of Data: A Brief Overview. Classifying Data.
9. Two-Sample Problems.
10. Goodness-of-Fit Tests.
11. Regression. The Method of Least Squares.
12. The Analysis of Variance.
13. Randomized Block Designs.
14. Nonparametric Statistics. Appendices

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