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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Aerodynamics for Engineers 5th Edition by Bertin. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Aerodynamics for Engineers
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 5th Edition
AUTHOR: Bertin, Cummings
Table of content
1. Fluid Properties.
2. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics.
3. Dynamics of an Incompressible, Inviscid Flow Field.
4. Viscous Boundary Layers.
5. Characteristic Parameters for Airfoil and Wing Aerodynamics.
6. Incompressible Flows around Airfoils of Infinite Span.
7. Incompressible Flows about Wings of Finite Span.
8. Dynamics of a Compressible Flow Field.
9. Compressible, Subsonic Flows and Transonic Flows.
10. Two-Dimensional Supersonic Flows around Thin Airfoil.
11. Supersonic Flows Over Wings and Airplane Configurations.
12. Hypersonic Flows.
13. Aerodynamic Design Considerations.
14. Tools for Defining the Aerodynamic Environment. Appendix A: The Equations of Motion Written in Conservation Form.
Appendix B: A Collection of Often Used Tables.