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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Abnormal Psychology 5th Edition by Oltmanns. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Abnormal Psychology
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 5th Edition
AUTHOR: Oltmanns, Emery

Table of content

Chapter 1: Examples and Definitions of Abnormal Behavior.
Chapter 2: Causes of Abnormal Behavior.
Chapter 3: Treatment of Psychological Disorders.
Chapter 4: Classification and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior.
Chapter 5: Mood Disorders and Suicide.
Chapter 6: Anxiety Disorders.
Chapter 7: Acute and Post-traumatic Stress Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, and Somatoform Disorders.
Chapter 8: Stress and Physical Health.
Chapter 9: Personality Disorders.
Chapter 10: Eating Disorders.
Chapter 11: Substance Use Disorders.
Chapter 12: Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders.
Chapter 13: Schizophrenic Disorders.
Chapter 14: Dementia, Delirium, and Amnestic Disorders.
Chapter 15: Mental Retardation and Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
Chapter 16: Psychological Disorders of Childhood.
Chapter 17: Adjustment Disorders and Life-Cycle Transitions.
Chapter 18: Mental Health and the Law.

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