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Let us know by sending email to support@testbank4textbook.com. Please note that it will be highly appreciated if you provide us all details about your book so we can locate it faster. Information like complete title, exact edition, author and co-author names as well as ISBN would be highly efficient to us to locate your request at earliest time.
By Searching in Search Box:
- You can search by complete title or just a part of title.
- You can Search by ISBN.
- You can search by author names.
We recommend our clients to search by typing last name of the first author. Its most effective way to find all related books to that author and available materials.
May be you ask why not searching by ISBN in SEARCH BAR?!
It is highly possible you type ISBN in the search box and find your book but please attention that we have seen over 10 different ISBNs for just one book (Hardcover version, eBook version, Spiral version, Interactive versions, Bundle editions, ……), Therefore only ISBN won’t lead to finding what you looking for in our online database!
Let’s say you are looking for solution manual or test bank for a book with title as below:
Business Law: Text & Exercises, 9th Edition
Roger LeRoy Miller | William E. Hollowell
ISBN-10: 1337624659 | ISBN-13: 9781337624657
The best way searching this product in our website search bar is typing main author last name “Miller”