Frequently Asked Questions

A Test Bank is a supplementary learning aid that contains exams, quizzes and tests for exam preparation.

A Solution Manual is a Textbook Guide (NOT A TEXTBOOK) it has questions and exercises from the textbook resolved.

Kindly check the full chapter sample including the download and pdf version to see the exact content of one full chapter before you buy.

After we successfully verify your payment, we will send you your order to your E-mail Address. Please wait up to 24 hours to receive your order, though we usually send it within 6 hours.

Our products are digital downloads and hence not returnable. You can ensure you are purchasing the correct product by checking the sample or contacting us through email or live support if you are not sure of the content of the product even after checking the sample.

Do not worry! Your download link is already sent to your Email. Check your spam or junk folder if you do not find it in your inbox.

Check if you have PDF, any Zip software like WinZip, or 7Z and a Word processor installed on your device.

If you are still facing issues, do contact the customer support by E-mail or Live Support for instant resolution.

You can pay in the quickest manner with PayPal express checkout if you have a PayPal account. You can securely pay with your debit or credit cards as well through PayPal if you do not have an account. Also we accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

Use the “I don’t have PayPal” button below the PayPal login on the checkout page to use your card directly

Our major payment gateway PayPal ensures to protect your rights against spam and we provide instant delivery with support for post-purchase issues. You can check on the same through our live support before you buy.

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