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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Introduction to Psychoneuroimmunology 2nd Edition by Jorge Daruna. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Introduction to Psychoneuroimmunology
EDITION: 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: Jorge Daruna

Table of content

1. Introduction
2. Historical Antecedents
3. Immune System Basics
4. Endocrine-Immune Modulation
5. Neuroimmune Modulation
6. Stress, Contextual Change, and Disease
7. Psychosocial Stress: Neuroendocrine and Immune Effects
8. Infection, Allergy, and Psychosocial Stress
9. Cancer, Autoimmunity, and Psychosocial Stress
10. Immune Activity and Psychopathology
11. Immune Function Enhancement
12. Integration and Implications

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