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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Microeconomics Theory and Applications 11th Edition by Edwin Mansfield and Gary Yohe. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Microeconomics Theory and Applications
EDITION: 11th Edition
AUTHOR: Edwin Mansfield and Gary Yohe
Table of content
1 The Nature of Microeconomics
2 Demand and Supply
3 The Tastes and Preferences of the Consumer
4 Consumer Behavior and Individual Demand
5 Market Demand
6 Choices Involving Risk
7 The Firm and Its Technology
8 Optimal Input Combinations and Cost Functions
9 Perfect Competition
10 Effects of Government Intervention: Applying the Competitive Model
11 Monopoly
12 Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
13 Game Theory and Strategic Behavior
14 Price and Employment of Inputs
15 Investment Decisions
16 General Equilibrium Analysis and Resource Allocation
17 The Promotion of Economic Efficiency
18 Asymmetric Information
19 Public Goods, Externalities, and the Role of Government