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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Issues in Economics Today 7th Edition by Guell. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Issues in Economics Today
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 7th Edition
PUBLISHER: McGraw Hill Higher Education

Table of content

1. Economics: The Study of Opportunity Cost
2. Supply and Demand
3. The Concept of Elasticity and Consumer and Producer Surplus
4. Firm Production, Cost, and Revenue
5. Perfect Competition, Monopoly, and Economic versus Normal Profit
6. Every Macroeconomic Word You Ever Heard: Gross Domestic Product, Inflation, Unemployment, Recession, and Depression
7. Interest Rates and Present Value
8. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
9. Fiscal Policy
10. Monetary Policy
11. Federal Spending
12. Federal Deficits, Surpluses, and the National Debt
13. The Housing Bubble
14.The Recession of 2007-2009: Causes and Policy Responses
15. Japan’s Lost Decade: Could it Happen to the United States?
16. Is the (Fiscal) Sky Falling: An Examination of Unfunded Social Security, Medicare, and State and Local Pension Liabilities
17. International Trade: Does It Jeopardize American Jobs?
18. International Finance and Exchange Rates
19. The European Debt Crisis
20. Economic Growth and Development
21. The Line Between Legal and Illegal Goods
22. Natural Resources, the Environment, and Climate Change
23. Health Care
24. Government-Provided Health Insurance: Medicaid, Medicare, and the Child Health Insurance Program
25. The Economics of Prescription Drugs
26. So You Want to Be a Lawyer: Economics and the Law
27. The Economics of Crime
28. The Economics of Race and Sex Discrimination
29. Income and Wealth Inequality
30. Farm Policy
31. Minimum Wage
32. Ticket Brokers and Ticket Scalping
33. Economics of K-12 Education
34. Economics of College and University Education
35. Poverty and Welfare
36. Social Security
37. Personal Income Taxes
38. Energy Prices
39. If We Build It, Will They Come? And Other Sports Questions
40. The Stock Market Crashes
41. Unions
42. Walmart: Always Low Prices (and Low Wages)- Always
43. The Economic Impact of Casino Gambling

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