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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Bank Management 8th Edition by Koch. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Bank Management
EDITION: 8th Edition
AUTHOR: Koch, MacDonald
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning
Table of content
1. Banking and the Financial Services Industry.
2. Government Policies and Regulation.
3. Analyzing Bank Performance.
4. Managing Noninterest Income and Noninterest Expense.
5. The Performance of Nontraditional Banking Companies.
6. Pricing Fixed-Income Securities.
7. Managing Interest Rate Risk: GAP and Earnings Sensitivity.
8. Managing Interest Rate Rick: Duration Gap and Economic Value of Equity.
9. Using Derivatives to Manage Interest Rate Risk.
10. Funding the Bank.
11. Managing Liquidity.
12. The Effective Use of Capital.
13. Overview of Credit Policy and Loan Characteristics.
14. Evaluating Commercial Loan Requests and Managing Credit Risk.
15. Evaluating Consumer Loans.
16. Managing the Investment Portfolio.
17. Global Banking Activities.