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Complete downloadable Test Bank for A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals 11th Edition by William Duckworth. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals
EDITION: 11th Edition
AUTHOR: William Duckworth
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. The Basics of Music.
2. The Keyboard.
3. Rhythm I: Simple Meter.
4. Rhythm II: Compound Meter.
5. Pitch.
6. Major Scales.
7. Major Key Signatures.
8. Intervals.
9. Minor Key Signatures.
10. Minor Scales.
11. Pentatonic and Blues Scales.
12. Triads.
13. Triads in a Musical Context.
14. Chord Progressions.
15. Writing a Song. Appendices.

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