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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Physics Laboratory Experiments 8th Edition by Wilson. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Physics Laboratory Experiments
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 8th Edition
AUTHOR: Wilson, Hernández-Hall
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. The Scientific Method and Thought.
2. Experimental Uncertainty (Error) and Data Analysis.
3. Measurement Instruments (Mass, Volume, and Density).
4. (GL) Simple Pendulum Parameters [Angle, Mass, Length, and Damping].
5. (GL) Uniformly Accelerated Motion: Measurement of g.
6. The Addition and Resolution of Vectors: The Force Table.
7. (GL) Newton’s Second Law: The Atwood Machine.
8. Conservation of Linear Momentum.
9. (GL) Projectile Motion: The Ballistic Pendulum.
10. Centripetal Force.
11. Friction.
12. (GL) Work and Energy.
13. Potential Energy of a Spring.
14. Torques, Equilibrium, and Center of Gravity.
15. (GL) Simple Machines: Mechanical Advantage.
16. Simple Harmonic Motion.
17. Standing Waves in a String.
18. Temperature and Thermometer Calibration.
19. The Thermal Coefficient of Linear Expansion.
20. Specific Heats of Metals.
21. Archimedes’ Principle: Buoyancy and Density.
22. Fields and Equipotentials.
23. Ohm’s Law.
24. The Measurement of Resistance: Ammeter-Voltmeter Method and Wheatstone Bridge Method.
25. The Temperature Dependence of Resistance.
26. Resistances in Series and Parallel.
27. Joule Heat.
28. The RC Time Constant (Manual Timing).
29. The RC Time Constant (Electric Timing).
30. Reflection and Refraction.
31. Spherical Mirrors and Lenses.
32. Polarized Light.
33. The Prism Spectrometer: Dispersion and Index of Refraction.
34. Line Spectra and Rydberg Constant.
35. The Transmission Grating: Measuring the Wavelength of Light.
36. Detection of Nuclear Radiation: The Geiger Counter.
37. Radioactive Half-Life.
38. The Absorption of Nuclear Radiation.
39. (TI/CI) Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia.
40. Conservation of Angular Momentum and Energy: The Ballistic Pendulum.
41. Elasticity: Young’s Modulus.
42. Air Column Resonance: The Speed of Sound in Air.
43. (TI) Latent Heats: Heats of Fusion and Vaporization of Water; CI) Latent Heat of Fusion for Water.
44. Newton’s Law of Cooling: The Time Constant of a Thermometer.
45. The Potentiometer: emf and Terminal Voltage.
46. The Voltmeter and Ammeter.
47. Resistivity.
48. Multiloop Circuits: Kirchhoff’s Rules.
49. The Earth’s Magnetic Field.
50. Introduction to the Oscilloscope.
51. (TI/CI) Phase Measurements and Resonance in ac Circuits.
52. (TI/CI) Electromagnetic Induction.
53. The Mass of an Electron: e/m Measurement.

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