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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Exploring Marketing Research 10th Edition by Zikmund. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Exploring Marketing Research
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 10th Edition
AUTHOR: Zikmund, Babin
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. The Role of Marketing Research.
2. Information Systems and Knowledge Management.
3. The Marketing Research Process.
4. The Human Side of Marketing Research: Organizational and Ethical Issues.
5. Problem Definition: Jump-Starting the Research Process.
6. Qualitative Research Tools.
7. Secondary Data Research in a Digital Age.
8. Survey Research: An Overview.
9. Survey Research: Basic Methods of Communication with Respondents.
10. Observation.
11. Experimental Research: An Overview.
12. Test-Markets and Experimental Design.
13. Measurement.
14. Attitude Measurement.
15. Questionnaire Design.
16. Sampling Designs and Sampling Procedures.
17. Determination of Sample Size: A Review of Statistical Theory.
18. Fieldwork.
19. Editing and Coding: Transforming Raw Data into Information.
20. Basic Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics.
21. Univariate Statistical Analysis.
22. Bivariate Statistical Analysis: Differences Between Two Variables.
23. Bivariate Statistical Analysis: Measures of Association.
24. Introducing Multivariate Statistical Analysis.
25. Communicating Research Results: Research

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