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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for CDN ED Developmental Psychology Childhood and Adolescence 4th Edition by Shaffer. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: CDN ED Developmental Psychology Childhood and Adolescence
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 4th Edition
AUTHOR: Shaffer, Kipp, Willoughby, Wood
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning
Table of content
Chapter 1: Introduction to Developmental Psychology and Its Research Strategies
Chapter 2: Theories of Human Development
Chapter 3: Hereditary Influences on Development
Chapter 4: Prenatal Development
Chapter 5: Birth and the Newborns? Readiness of Life
Chapter 6: Physical Development: the Brain, Body, Motor Skills and Sexual Development
Chapter 7: Early Cognitive Foundations: Sensation, Perception, and Learning
Chapter 8: Cognitive Development: Piaget?s Theory, Case?s Neo-Piagetian Theory, and Vygotsky?s Sociocultural Viewpoint
Chapter 9: Cognitive Development: Information-Processing Perspectives and Connectionism
Chapter 10: Intelligence: Measuring Mental Performance
Chapter 11: Development of Language and Communication Skills
Chapter 12: Emotional Development, Temperament, and Attachment
Chapter 13: Development of the Self and Social Cognition
Chapter 14: Sex Differences and Similarities, Gender-Role Development, and Sexual Behaviour
Chapter 15: Aggression, Altruism, and Moral Development
Chapter 16: The Family
Chapter 17: Extrafamilial Influences: Television, Computers, Schools, and Peers