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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Marketing Marketing in the 21st Century 11th Edition by Evans. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Marketing Marketing in the 21st Century
EDITION: 11th Edition
AUTHOR: Evans, Berman
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1: Marketing Today.
2: The Environment in Which Marketing Operates.
3: Developing and Enacting Strategic Marketing Plans.
4: Information for Marketing Decisions.
5: Societal, Ethical, and Consumer Issues.
6: Global Aspects of Marketing.
7: Marketing and the Internet.
8: Final Consumers.
9: Organizational Consumers.
10: Developing a Target Market Strategy.
11: Basic Concepts in Product Planning.
12: Goods Versus Services Planning.
13: Conceiving, Developing, and Managing Products.
14: Value Chain Management and Logistics.
15: Wholesaling.
16: Retailing.
17: Integrated Marketing Communications.
18: Advertising and Public Relations.
19: Personal Selling and Sales Promotion.
20: Considerations in Price Planning.
21: Developing and Applying a Pricing Strategy.
22: Pulling It All Together: Integrating and Analyzing the Marketing Plan. Appendices
A: Careers in Marketing.
B: Marketing Mathematics.
C: Computer-Based Marketing Exercises.
D: Glossary.

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