Product Information

Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for MM 3rd Edition by Dawn Iacobucci. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 3rd Edition
AUTHOR: Dawn Iacobucci
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Why is Marketing Management Important?
2. Customer Behavior.
3. Segmentation.
4. Targeting.
5. Positioning.
6. Goods and Services.
7. Brands.
8. New Products.
9. Pricing.
10. Channels of Distribution and Logistics.
11. Advertising Messages and Marketing Communications.
12. Integrated Marketing Communications and Media Choices.
13. Social Media.
14. Customer Satisfaction and Customer Relationships.
15. Marketing Research Tools.
16. Marketing Strategy.
17. Marketing Plans. – See more at:

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