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Complete downloadable Test Bank for The Challenge of Democracy American Government in Global Politics The Essentials 9th Edition by Janda. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: The Challenge of Democracy American Government in Global Politics The Essentials
EDITION: 9th Edition
AUTHOR: Janda, Berry, Goldman, Schildkraut, Hula
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Dilemmas of Democracy.
2. The Constitution.
3. Federalism.
4. Public Opinion, Political Socialization, and the Media.
5. Participation and Voting.
6. Political Parties, Campaigns, and Elections.
7. Interest Groups.
8. Congress.
9. The Presidency.
10. The Bureaucracy.
11. The Courts.
12. Order and Civil Liberties.
13. Equality and Civil Rights.
14. Policymaking and the Budget.