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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Concepts of Chemical Dependency 8th Edition by Doweiko. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Concepts of Chemical Dependency
EDITION: 8th Edition
AUTHOR: Doweiko
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Why Worry About Substance Abuse?
2. The Nature of the Beast
3. Pharmacology.
4. Social Alcohol Use and its Effects.
5. Chronic Alcohol Use and its Consequences.
6. Barbiturates and Barbiturate-like Drugs.
7. Benzodiazepines.
8. Amphetamine and Amphetamine-like Compounds.
9. Cocaine.
10. Marijuana.
11. Narcotic Analgesics.
12. Hallucinogens.
13. Inhalants.
14. Anabolic Steroids.
15. OTC Analgesics.
16. Tobacco Use.
17. Neonatal Drug Exposure.
18. Addiction in Women.
19. Hidden Faces of Substance Use Disorders
20. Substance Use by Children and Adolescents.
21. Substance Abuse in College Settings
22. Codependency.
23. Addiction and the Family.
24. Dual Diagnosis Issues.
25. Medical Model of the Addictions.
26. Psychosocial Models of the Addictions.
27. Spiritual Model of the Addictions.
28. Assessment of the Patient.
29. Intervention.
30. Treatment Settings.
31. Treatment Formats.
32. Treatment Process.
33. Pharmacotherapy (Pharmacological Treatment of Addictions).
34. Treatment Problems.
35. Support Groups.
36. Drug Use and Infections.
37. Drug Use and Crime.
38. Legalization Issues. Appendices.

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