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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Behavior Modification Principles and Procedures 5th Edition by Miltenberger. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Behavior Modification Principles and Procedures
EDITION: 5th Edition
AUTHOR: Miltenberger
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Introduction to Behavior Modification.
2. Observing and Recording Behavior.
3. Graphing Behavior and Measuring Change.
4. Reinforcement.
5. Extinction.
6. Punishment.
7. Stimulus Control: Discrimination and Generalization.
8. Respondent Conditioning.
9. Shaping.
10. Prompting and Transfer of Stimulus Control.
11. Chaining.
12. Behavioral Skills Training Procedures.
13. Understanding Problem Behaviors through Functional Assessment.
14. Applying Extinction.
15. Differential Reinforcement.
16. Antecedent Control Procedures.
17. Using Punishment: Time-Out and Response Cost.
18. Positive Punishment Procedures and the Ethics of Punishment.
19. Promoting Generalization.
20. Self-Management.
21. Habit Reversal Procedures.
22. The Token Economy.
23. Behavioral Contracts.
24. Fear and Anxiety Reduction Procedures.
25. Cognitive Behavior Modification.

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