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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory 2nd Edition by Appelrouth. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory
EDITION: 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: Appelrouth, Edles

Table of content

1. Introduction
2. Karl Marx
3. Emile Durkheim
4. Max Weber
5. Charlotte Perkins Gilman
6. Georg Simmel
7. W. E. B. Du Bois
8. George Herbert Mead
9. Structural Functionalism Talcott Parsons Robert K. Merton
10. Critical Theory Max Horkheimer Theodor Adorno Herbert Marcuse
11. Exchange and Rational Choice Theories George Homans Peter Blau Peter Blau James Coleman
12. Symbolic Interactionism and Dramaturgy Erving Goffman Arlie Russell Hochschild
13. Phenomenology Alfred Schutz Peter Berger Thomas Luckmann
14. Feminist and Gender Theories Dorothy Smith Patricia Hill Collins R.W. Connell Judith Butler
15. Poststructural and Postmodern Theories Michel Foucault Jean Baudrillard
16. Contemporary Theoretical Syntheses Pierre Bourdieu Jurgen Habermas Anthony Giddens
17. The Global Society Immanuel Wallerstein George Ritzer Edward Said Glossary and Terminology References Image Source InformatImage.

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